Perubahan Sosial dan Pengaruh Media Sosial Tentang Peran Instagram dalam Membentuk Identitas Diri Remaja


  • Ni’amulloh Ash Shidiqie Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Nouval Fitra Akbar Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Andhita Risko Faristiana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo



Instagram, Media Social, Self Identity, Social Change, Teenager


The development of information and communication technology has significantly affected social change. One social media platform that is very popular among teenagers is Instagram. This study aims to analyze social changes that occur in the context of Instagram use and their influence on the formation of adolescent self-identity. This research uses’a literature study research method where the data used comes from journals, articles, the internet, literature reviews containing the material studied.

The results of this study show that Instagram has a significant influence in shaping adolescent self-identity. Teenagers have the opportunity to build and manage their self image through the photos and content they upload on this platform.

Instagram use also affects social norms and beauty standards of teens. Teenagers are often influenced by images uploaded by peers, celebrities, or influencers who are considered ideal models. This can lead to social pressure for adolescents to conform to these standards, both in physical appearance and lifestyle. Because excessive use can affect the mental health and personal development of adolescent. Therefore, it is important for parents to provide guidelines and support teenagers in using social media wisely.



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How to Cite

Ni’amulloh Ash Shidiqie, Nouval Fitra Akbar, & Andhita Risko Faristiana. (2023). Perubahan Sosial dan Pengaruh Media Sosial Tentang Peran Instagram dalam Membentuk Identitas Diri Remaja. Simpati, 1(3), 98–112.

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